Pantsuit Party
Six weeks of sittin' on my ass has caught up w. me, so today was the first day of training for the 2006 season. I'm not sure if I should turn this into a lame ass training diary, but we'll see -- it would keep me honest.
The fixed gear hybrid makes for a workable training bike. It's January and chumps be lining up to pay big bucks at a gym; when a workable assbike it the only personal trainer you need.
It was warm and dry enough to do 2 hrs in the CNE and booting around the city, plus the lack of more gears means you have the luxury of freedom from choice. Assbikin' is the only way to eyeball the city and make some mental notes for places to check out later.
I even ran into friend of mine from undergrad I hadn't seen in year.

And I did have another lucky sighting, the Leather Uppers, one the best live bands I've ever seen has reformed and has a rare rare show this Friday.

The dazzling, frantic, pantsuit wearing panic-rockers will light up the fretboard this Friday at the Smiling Buddha 961 College Street (near Dovercourt).
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