Assbike Deal: World Bicycle Relief
World Bicycle Relief is raising money to provide assbikes to Tsunami survivors in Sri Lanka.
Their website states that "bicycles will measurably assist in returning adult refugees to independence and in re-establishing their livelihood. Bikes will also assist children, many of whom now have increased commutes, to stay in school."
As Assbike Magazine has always said. An assbike is a cheap and fun way to increase a person's ability to carry load and travel independently; maybe by over 4 or more times compared to walking.

The Power of Bicycles
And it's not just the staff of Assbike Magazine, that's turing assbikes into huge profits. A Sri Lankan Assbiker can regain 3 or more hours a day with which they can use to work, go to school or just chill.

"Before getting a bicycle, I used to walk to school. It would take me 45 minutes. Now I can ride and reach the school within 15 minutes. I now get to school on time and have been appointed special status leader."-M.P. Harsha Dias, Grade 9, Kaluara.

"I am a Midwife. I look after 450 pregnant woman and then visit every house with children in the village, about 3000 people. I travel by bus and foot. Recieving a bicycle will help me tremendously. Currently I can visit about 10 houses per day. With the bicycle I can probably double that."
$62.00 pays for one adult male bike. If you can, help WorldBicycle Relief (this is the link) get more Tsunami survivors assbikes, and help them achieve independence.
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