Cure for the Common Cold
Yesterday, out of the blue I started coming down with a cold. It came on like a flash. My head became congested, my nose started to drip and I started to hack (as in cough, not as in committing cyber crimes).

Since it was also pizza day I ordered up one spicy pizza. Before the pizza came I ordered a second. I decided I would keep drinking these Rickards' until I started to feel drunk. When I pizza came, I loaded it up with red pepper flakes, and I ordered a third. Mel Gibson would be scrawling swastikas on the napkin by now - but I wasn't feeling the effects of the booze at all.
I worked on a fourth, my congestion was easing and my head felt better. I plowed through page after page of Eco's masterpiece. Casaubon's time in Rio, the meeting with Signor Garamond.
When I ordered up a fifth the bartender remarked he'd never served me five beers before, but I felt like I hadn't even had the first. Obviously the germs were absorbing the alcohol. I was drowning them in booze. Maybe this would work after all.
After five, still sharp as a tack and steady as a rock - I walked outta there like Ward Cleaver. Still, I dreaded the next day. Had I really licked this cold or would I get rocked by some deadly cold plus hangover combo ? And feel even worse ? like the dreaded thousand pounds of ass ?
Next morning, I woke a bit later than usual, still my nose was clear, my head didn't pound. I didn't feel 100%, still I was a lot better than I was fifteen hours ago, maybe 80%. Was this the cure ? Or the 80% cure. It sure was worth it, for the $25 or so. Or was it the spice ? Or did any of that stuff make any difference at all ? After all, I didn't have a control subject.
But next time I'm coming down with a cold, I will try the Rickard's trick again.
wow, that's pretty amazing.
Also, I like your storytelling style.
I've used beer to cure colds before (usually allergy-related) so I can support your findings.
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