Physical Fatness and Feist

Holy crap, I've totally sat on my ass this whole month and came way short on my inital milage goals. I've done maybe 33 hrs, when I was hoping for 80-100. Fucking up the fixie and the hella cold outside didn't help. Instead I'm packin' on the pounds like a retired nose tackle.

One thing I've noticed about being a fattie is that a feel full easier. I eat a little bit and feel stuffed. I think the "ring of fat" theory is right -- being a fattie makes you feel full easier; which is probably why all the best Gurgitators like Kobayashi and Sonya Thomas (aka the Black Widow, pictured right) are dang skinny.
Also, I know I've been slacking on Assbike songs for the last while. This is partly because I haven't warmed up to the (waay too whiney) Best Music of 2005, but I do like this tune from Feist Inside and Out, which sounds like it is from 1982. So check it out.
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